Each month Trail Manager, Emily Galka, highlights flora and fauna that she observes in the Goethe State Forest that surrounds the Black Prong Resort. Goethe State Forest Species of the Month: American Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana)
Each month Trail Manager, Emily Galka, highlights flora and fauna that she observes in the Goethe State Forest that surrounds the Black Prong Resort.
I first noticed this bright purple berry along Griffis Rd., just outside the north gate of the resort. It was so unusually purple, there really wasn’t any other natural color to compare it to, so I had to know what it was. The plants I typically see are about 3-5ft tall but can be up to 8ft, with teardrop shaped leaves similar to a beech tree’s. In between alternating leaves are clusters of purple berries making little masses up the stalk. I was able to identify it as American Beautyberry.
I learned that not only are these berries exceptionally beautiful, they are also edible (though they don’t sit well with some people). The leaves and roots can be used to make tea, and the berries have antimicrobial and bug repellent properties. I put the bug repellent properties to the test one day when I forgot to fly spray myself. I grabbed a few berries as I rode by and rubbed them into my hands, I was not bothered by bugs for the rest of that ride! I ended up eating some berries as well, they were mildly minty with not much flavor in general. Wildlife, such as deer, squirrels, armadillos and many kinds of songbirds however, rely on the berries as a Fall food source.
American Beautyberries are so eye catching and useful for humans and animals. Their growing season is from Summer to Fall, so even though they are on their way out, once you know what they are, you will start to see them everywhere, in the forest and on Black Prong property.

Emily Galka (shown with her horse Lisa) is Black Prong’s Trail Riding Manager and resident naturalist.
Sophie Collins joins us as Assistant Trial Ride Manager here at Black Prong Adventures. Sophie grew up in Washington State where she has been riding her whole life. In college she worked at an outfitter where she guided trail rides, pack trips and hunt camps up in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Once Sophie graduated she came down to Florida where she worked for Disney guiding trail rides and taking care of the Disney horses. Sophie Is excited to be here at Black Prong taking rides out into the Goethe forest to show people its beauty, and connecting to people through her love of horses.
Another exciting addition to the Trail Riding team is Finn, a 15-year-old, 17hh chestnut warmblood draft cross gelding. Finn is the definition of a husband horse, he’s super laid back and simple to ride, he loves to lead but doesn’t mind following, he can have days off and always will be the same horse every time you take him out. He is from Citra from RS Equestrian.